Mother’s Day is only a few days away and I swear it just crept up on me. With the move, the pregnancy and chasing around a toddler that’s been sick forever, everything has just been hectic. It wasn’t until my husband asked me what I wanted that I finally realized it was this Sunday! I thought to myself : “What Do I Want?” “What Do I Need?” “What Do I Ask For?”
To be honest if you’d ask me this a few years ago I’d literally have a list of things! Anything from a fresh new Louis Vuitton bag, MAC Makeup, a new Laptop,or Camera Equipment. But let me tell you the saying is definitely true “the older you get your gifts list get shorter because what you really want money can’t buy”…OK I totally butchered that saying but I’m sure you get my drift.
I’m blessed to have the privilege of being able to stay at home and raise my little ones. But it does take a toll on you. Any mom that says she’d rather stay at home all day than go to actual work clearly has never done it. There are pro’s and cons to being the SAHM vs. the Working Mom, trust me! I’ve done both. (More on that in another post). Although I love my kids immensely and I love being able to watch every single milestone they overcome : THIS MAMA RIGHT HERE NEEDS A MOTHA-EFFIN BREAK.
So it came as no surprise, when my husband whispered those words “WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR MOTHER’S DAY” that I collected every single STAY AT HOME MOM LIFE flashback (like having to clean MJ’s poop off the doctors office floor after trying to change her standing up because there was no changing table and the floor looked too disgusting to lay her on – yup my friends THAT happened!!!) and blurted out to him WHAT I REALLY WANT FOR MOTHER’S DAY.
- Get A WHOLE DAY to myself. And if a WHOLE DAY is too much, at this point a few hours would suffice
- Wake up and feed MYSELF first. And not worry about making breakfast for everyone and have to run after a toddler to make sure she eats her scrambled eggs and then finally give up when I finally realize : she’s won this war! Oh and then clean up after everyone too. By the time I actually sit down to eat, my appetite is seriously gone
- POOP IN PEACE. SERIOUSLY. I want to poop in peace like my husband does with no interruptions or distractions
- Take a looooooong, NOT TIMED shower or bath. And by NOT TIMED I mean not having to rush because I feel MJ is burning down the house and Hommy isn’t noticing because he’s playing Candy Crush on his phone
- Watch every show I have recorded BY MYSELF! I don’t want to watch half an episode and dose off because I’m too exhausted to keep my eyes open
- Open my pantry and eat my snacks without having to hide. Jurrasic MJ can be asleep and I swear she hears that cabinet open and she magically appears next to me, waving her tiny Dino arms at me to give her some of whatever I’m having
- Go out to eat with Hommy and not have to take turns on who gets to eat first because one of us has to tame the wild animal
- Go to the movies and ACTUALLY see the WHOLEEEEEEE movie without a squealing toddler chomping on popcorn or a pre-teen asking a gazillion questions about the movie
- Eat a home cooked meal that I DIDN’T COOK myself
- Read all the books I have stashed and accumulated over the past few years
- Sit and blog without having tiny fingers attempt to press buttons because she thinks it’s fun
Go to target and roam the aisles ALONE
- Get a mani and pedi, some eyelash extensions and maybe even a haircut without feeling guilty about what I could get my kids instead with that actual money
- Have MJ actually nap in the house as opposed to the 5 min car ride to get Jaiden from school so that I can get some stuff done or just actually sit sofa and do nothing
- I WANT 2 glasses of WINE, maybe even 3, sh*t maybe the whole bottle who cares?
(I was sent this super cute wine glass from here , check them out for more cute #momlife stuff)
To some this might seem like a selfish list. Like I’m complaining, and you know what maybe I am for right now but I’m allowed to complain. When your life is a constant routine you can’t help it sometimes. Like I stated before, I am super blessed to be able to stay at home and raise my kids but Sheesh!!!! I could use a break for once! And there it is …WHAT I REALLY WANT FOR MOTHER’S DAY! Let me know in the comments below what do you want for mother’s day! I hope you all have a beautiful Mother’s Day and remember Mother’s should be celebrated and appreciated every single day! As always, thanks for reading!
Omg I feel the same way it’s so crazy I swear
it’s insane!!
Absolutely true about everything you said . I don’t want any gifts just a day free or even half a day I’ll take at this point