The Torres Tribe is adding 1 more and we couldn’t be happier! A couple of months ago we found out that I was expecting baby #2!!! We have been trying to have another one FOREVER. And when I say “forever” I really mean FOREVER! I don’t want to get all sappy on this post but its been a rollercoaster. I suffered a miscarriage right before I moved to FL and I was devastated (I’ll write a post about this later). I had really given up on trying. I thought that I would always be a mom of just one and I began to be ok with that. Being the crazy woman who I am I always had pregnancy tests lying around (unused of course!). I woke up one morning and I decided to take one. My period was due but I wasn’t late, I had 1 test lying around and I said “what the heck let’s see what it says“. The boys were still sleeping and I knew taking a test once you wake up was the best time to take it. I peed on the stick and put it down, and I went on and about my normal morning routine, I brushed my teeth and checked my Instagram like if it was a newspaper. I believe I waited around 10 mins before I went to check it. When I saw that double pink line, my heart dropped, I was sure it was a bad test or something. I went to the bedroom and woke Hommy up to show him, I remember he was dead asleep still and he mumbled something like “oh yeah? great!” something in that sort and he went back to sleep. I honestly didn’t think anything of it at that moment, I just knew I had to get more tests! Hommy wasn’t too fond of me taking those dollar pregnancy tests so I waited till 9am to call the GYN to make an appointment. My appointment wasn’t for a couple of weeks after and you can only imagine my nerves! But I kept it cool because since I had a miscarriage before I didn’t want to get my hopes up for nothing. In Hispanic culture we don’t reveal we are pregnant until after the woman is 12 weeks, so once we’re in the 2nd trimester that’s when we believe its safe to announce since the risk for a miscarriage goes down. So I waited, I kept it between Hommy & I until I was in my 2nd trimester.
I was a looking for ways to tell Jaiden since I thought he wasn’t going to take it well since he’s an only child. So I sent to get that shirt in the picture done and I printed out the sonogram picture (in Florida you get a cd with the pictures, not the actual photos like in NY) and I put it in a little bag and gave it to him. At first he didn’t get it (the saying), and he was really nervous because we are always playing tricks and pranks on him so he didn’t even want to reach in to the bag lol. Then he finally got it once he saw the sonogram picture and he just laughed and gave me a hug. It’s like he was in shock and didn’t know what to do or he just didn’t care much haha. The worst was trying to take the perfect picture of him with the shirt on. Me being the perfectionist that I am it took me 3 days to take the perfect one. I wanted to take the picture outside during the day by a nice tree or something….on top of my bed in his PJ’s was not an option!! But it worked well. Over 50 snaps on my camera roll from him laughing to crying out of anger from me telling him to smile but not too much or to not cover the saying on the shirt…..I picked that one.! And that was how I announced it on social media! I did tell my parents via text message way before I announced it on social media. I sent them a video of the heartbeat coming from the Doppler. It took me long to tell them too, I’m 30 and married and I was still a bit afraid to tell my dad!
So this family of 3 will become a family of 4 by MAY 2016! Jaiden will no longer be an only child and I know I’m in for some big changes. Jaiden is about to be 10 so there’s a huge gap but I know it’ll all be worth it and perfect!!
Made me tear
Love this and I’m super happy for you and your little family God bless always!.
That’s a beautiful story. Many women try to conceive and aren’t able too and just give up. There is nothing more heartbreaking then to want to add to your family and feel that you are the reason it isn’t happening. God has given you the opportunity to have an other child because he felt you deserved it. You are a loving mother to your son and your daughter is lucky to come into a family who truly love her.
?????? Super Happy and excited for you guys. ❣?? Great Blog
thank you! ?