Sometimes I just stare at her…and she stares at me right back, but I always wonder what is she thinking when she’s staring back at me?, I know what I’m thinking ; How did I get so lucky? How is she HERE when years before her all I did was pray for a baby? How is she here in my arms? How is she so perfect? The sparkle in her eye, her long eyelashes, her beautiful smile, her happy personality…..I can go on.
Mila-Jade turned 6 months a couple of weeks ago and as cheesy as it sounds : time is flying! Our world has turned upside down since she’s been here but we wouldn’t want it any other way. I’m proud of the bags under my eyes LOL. She is just the definition of a blessing! I don’t want to continue getting all sappy but I had a little photo session in her room that was LONG overdue. I OVERTHINK everything way too much and I really need to stop that. I end up wanting things soooo perfect that I end up changing things and in the end I end up doing exactly what I intended to do in the beginning.
I knew I didn’t want anything TOO PINK so when I asked my friend to make me a black tutu & she asked “BLACK?” LOL My husband wasn’t too fond of the color either but I told him to trust me. I made the crown myself and after it was all done I thought about changing it all! She turned 6 months on the 12th of NOVEMBER and yesterday I finally decided to just deal with what I had and I must say it came out exactly how I wanted it to. I didn’t do a cake smash because I plan on doing that for her 1st birthday, so I settled for doughnuts. (Ya’ll know my obsession with doughnuts is real!!!)
So join me in wishing Little Miss Mila-Jade a Very Very Happy 1/2 Birthday!
Happy 1/2 Birthday Mila God bless you
Thanks girl! xoxo
Pero que bellesa. God bless her Taii. And by the way, I love this super artistic Taisha…lol good job love. Came out lovely
Thanks Ivy! I appreciate it ! xoxo
Happy 1/2 Birthday Mila??God bless you she so beautiful!
thank you! xoxo
She’s so pretty!!! GB! Good job on the photo shoot?
thanks girl!! xoxo